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Decay and stability for some nonlinear quasi-variational systems
Salvatori M.C.
Vitillaro E.
159 Kb
Decay properties for some Lagrangian systems with dissipative terms and applications
Salvatori M.C.
Vitillaro E.
254 Kb
Existence for a nonlinear wave equation with damping and source terms
Serrin J.
Todorova G.
Vitillaro E.
1.10 Mb
Blow-up for nonlinear dissipative wave equations in R^n
Todorova G.
Vitillaro E.
508 Kb
A potential well theory for the wave equation with nonlinear source and boundary damping terms
Vitillaro E.
2.40 Mb
Global existence for the heat equation with nonlinear dynamical boundary conditions
Vitillaro E.
348 Kb
Global existence for the wave equation with nonlinear boundary damping and source terms
Vitillaro E.
364 Kb
Global nonexistence theorems for a class of evolution equations with dissipation and applications
Vitillaro E.
301 Kb